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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the initial sentence for Michaella?
6 years and 8 months
How can you transport drugs secretly? (x2) (The breast implant is quite rare.)
Inject the drugs into clothes, packages of food and/or swallow it
Did the girls have bad luck in Lima when they were arrested?
No, it was organised. The drug cartel snitched, so another mule could transport more.
Which countries are the world's top cocaine producer and exporter (x 3)?
Peru, Colombia and Bolivia
What's the punishment in Peru for drug mules?
5 up to 15 years prison sentence
Give a synonym of 'try' and spell it.
Translate the Dutch word 'vrijlating' and spell it.
They were caught ... the airport. (Use the correct preposition.)
What did the girls initially claim after they were caught?
That they were forced.
How were the girls dubbed in the tabloids back then?
The Peru 2
Translate the Dutch word 'beslissing' and spell it.
Give 2 synonyms for 'drug mule'.
drug trafficker and smuggler
How much cocaine did they hide in the suitcases?
11 kg (nearly 12)
How much was the cocaine worth?
1.5 million £
Melissa Reid, the accomplice, was a ... from Scotland.
After the arrest they were sent to the ... (a place in jail for drug cases).