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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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. . . . . fill out application forms asking for your personal information. (You shouldn't / Please / Always)
You shouldn't
. . . . . reply an e-mail from somebody who doesn't call you by your name. (You should / Don't / Always)
. . . . . check the person who sends you a friend invitation online. (You mustn't / Never / Always)
. . . . . . click a link in an e-mail from a company you have no business with. (You must / Always / You shouldn't)
You shouldn't
. . . . . submit your bank account information online. (Don't / Always / Do)
. . . . . . stay calm when somebody shows his/her hatred to you online. (You should / Never / Better not)
You should
. . . . . . tell a stranger your phone number. (Please / Always / Don't)
. . . . . . give your password to your friends. (Never / You should / You must)
. . . . . give your complete address online. (Please / You shouldn't / You can)
You shouldn't
. . . . . . close the web immediately if you suddenly see you're winning some money. (You should / Never / You mustn't)
You should
I'm updating my status. My heart is broken. (Never treat the internet as your diary. / Never share your personal data.)
Never treat the internet as your diary.
I'm checking out this guy online. Isn't he cute? (You shouldn't follow the link. / You sholud beware of fake photo.)
You sholud beware of fake photo.
I'm reading an email about winning a prize. (You shouldn't follow the link. / You sholud beware of fake photo.)
You shouldn't follow the link.
I'm checking out a webcam invitation. (a stranger - don't chat - on a - webcam with)
Don't chat on a webcam with a stranger.
I'm saving a document. (Always back up your data. / Never let anybody know your new password.)
Always back up your data.
I'm canging my password. (let anybody - new password - know your - you shouldn't)
You shouldn't let anybody know your new password.
I'm reading an email from a stranger. (the attachment, - if any. - never open)
Never open the attachment, if any.
I'm chatting online at an internet cafe. (Create a strong password. / Log out when you finish.)
Log out when you finish.
I'm reading an online friend request. (the person - should - learn - about - you - first)
You should learn about the person first.
I'm opening an account. (Create a strong password. / Log out when you finish)
Create a strong password.