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YLP12 04-09-20 Afternoon

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If each cupcake represents 3 cupcakes, how many cupcakes were eaten by everyone?
If Shirley ate one cupcake every day and she started on Wednesday, what day did she eat the last one?
If 4 cupcakes represent 2 girlfriends, how many girlfriends does Dan have?
If each triangle represents 6 students, how many fewer students went to the Botanical Gardens than the beach?
If each triangle represents 4 pupils, how many more students went to the Amusement Park than went to the Bird Park?
If each triangle represented 34 students, how many students went to the beach?
If each triangle represented 12 pupils, how many pupils went to Botanical Gardens?
What sort of chart would we use if we represented the data as pictures?
What sort of chart would we use if we counted things in groups of 5 lines?
A tally chart
Where do polar bears live? Arctic, Antarctica or both?
The Arctic
Why are dangerous gasses in the atmosphere called 'Greenhouse' gasses?
Because they turn the earth into a greenhouse. They trap the heat inside the atmosphere warming the planet.
Where does the heat come from that causes global warming?
The Sun.
What do we call it when all the trees are cut down which makes the soil loose and the soil ends up going into rivers and lakes?
Soil erosion
How much forest is cut down on earth every minute?
An area as large as 20 football fields.
How much forest is cut down on earth every minute?
An area as large as 20 football fields.
What environmental disaster happened in 2010?
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The biggest oil spill in history.
What percentage of the water on earth is drinkable?
2.5 percent.
What type of organism is responsible for most pollution on earth?
What begins with 'p' that we call things which pollute?