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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You can't expect to achieve anything if you never take any risks: a) nothing ventured, nothing gained b) when in Rome do as the Romans do c) every cloud has a silver lining
a) nothing ventured, nothing gained
Someone will not do something a second time because they had a bad experience the first time they did it: a) what goes around comes around b) nothing ventured, nothing gained c) once bitten, twice shy
c) once bitten, twice shy
To make someone very frightened: a) nothing ventured, nothing gained b) what goes around comes around c) scare someone out of their wits
c) scare someone out of their wits
A person's actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person: a) every cloud has a silver lining b) what goes around comes around c) when in Rome do as the Romans do
b) what goes around comes around
Which word is NOT a synonym of ‘poignant’? a) heart-breaking b) moving c) indifferent
c) indifferent
Which word is NOT a synonym of ‘enquire’? a) ask b) ignore c) investigate
b) ignore
Used to describe money that you pay that you cannot get back: a) non-refundable b) cashless c) prepay
a) non-refundable
Which word is NOT a synonym of ‘awkward’? a) embarrassing b) confident c) uncomfortable
b) confident
A film that is very successful: a) bummer b) fiasco c) blockbuster
c) blockbuster
A down-to-earth person is… a) practical, reasonable, and friendly. b) very poor.
a) practical, reasonable, and friendly.
If you ‘shake like a leaf’, you… a) dance in a funny way b) shake because you are cold, nervous, or afraid.
b) shake because you are cold, nervous, or afraid.
To be very happy about something: a) down-to-earth b) every cloud has a silver lining c) over the moon
c) over the moon
Using words in an amusing and intelligent way: a) awkward b) witty c) poignant
b) witty
If someone is ‘a good laugh’, it’s… a) someone you can make fun of b) someone who is fun to be with
b) someone who is fun to be with
Someone who is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people: a) An awkward person b) A witty person c) A people person
c) A people person
To spend a lot of time alone, not talking to other people very much: a) Keep yourself to yourself b) Be over the moon c) Be a good laugh
a) Keep yourself to yourself