Edit Game
Prepare 4.14

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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short parts of a film or television programme which are shown in order to advertise it
A series is ....
a group of television or radio programmes that have the same main characters or deal with the same subject
a report in a newspaper, magazine or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc. is called ....
A clip is ....
a short part of a film or television programme
Nothing happens in this film. The  _______________  is really boring.
a person in a book, film, television programme, etc.
If you are willing, you .......
prepared and happy to do something
time to enjoy with your friends is called
social life
A is crew ....
a group of people who work together
To manage means ....
to do something successfully
A talent is ....
natural skill or ability
It’s hard preparing for exams, but my teachers __________ me in various ways.
My brother played the __________ of a rock singer in a short film.
The football team is going to __________ a new coach.
The teacher gave her a __________ about being late.
A director is the person who is __________ of filming.
in charge
My best friend and I have just __________ in a film!
the news is ...
information about important events on television, radio, and in newspapers
a series of television programmes that continues over a long period and is about the lives of a group of characters is called ...
soap opera
science fiction is ...
a film, television programme or story about life in the future or in other parts of the universe
a television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations is called ....
reality show
A period drama is ....
a film or television programme that happens in a particular historical period
a film that entertains people by shocking or frightening them is called ....
horror film
A documentary is ....
a film or television programme that gives facts about a real situation or real people
a film or television programme about solving a crime is called ....
crime drama
A comedy is ....
entertainment such as a film, play, ete. that is funny
a television or radio programme where people are asked questions about themselves is called ...
chat show
animation is ...
a film or television programme containing moving drawings or models
a film that has a lot of exciting action is called .....
action thriller