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Trypillians + Scythians

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place: a) house b)settlement c) flourish
Name st least 3 stages of an archeological discovery
What is archeology?
What was the name of the tribe that were the "kings" of the Scythians?
Royal Scythhians
What is the name of the most famous Scythian jewelry?
Describe the Scythian jewelry.
What crafts did ancient Ukrainians practice? (name at least 5)
pottery, animal husbundary, threshing, weaving, fishing, milling the grain, hunting
Where did The Scythians live?
On the territory of modern Ukraine along the Dnipro
What was the civilization that lived between the 7th and 3rd century BC on the territory of Ukraine?
The Scythians
What is the civilization that lived 6 000 years ago and was famouse for their pottery?
Trypilllian culture is famouse for...
What territory did the Trypilian Civilization take?
from the Carpathian Mountains to Moldova and Ukraine
What 2 civilization have we talked bout so far?
Trypillians and Scythians