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Project Explore 4 unit 4 Travel revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me an informal expression that means... are you lying to me?
Are you having me on?
Give me an informal expression that means... of course!
You bet!
Give me an informal expression that means... tell me who's got the authority to say such a thing.
Says who?
Give me an informal expression that means... what are you doing or planning?
What are you up to?
Give me an informal expression that means... I find this difficult to understand.
I can't get my head around this.
Give me an informal expression that means... wait a moment! You're too impatient or I'm surprised by what you're saying.
Hang on a minute!
Complete: ________ no doubt that we'll win the match.
There's / I have
Complete: _________ believe that he hasn't got his mobile phone.
It's hard to / I can't
Complete: ________ clearly the reason why he's late.
Put the adverbs in the correct order: Joel _______ goes climbing _______. (sometimes / in the mountains)
Joel sometimes goes climbing in the mountains.
Put the adverbs in the correct order: The tourists spoke _______ as they visited _______. (the art gallery / loudly)
The tourists spoke loudly as they visited the art gallery.
Put the adverbs in the correct order: Adam is _______ travelling ________. (in the United States / often)
Adam is often travelling in the United States.
Put the adverbs in the correct order: I've _________ liked driving __________. (never / in England)
I've never liked driving in England.
Put the adverbs in the correct order: Kate arrived ________ __________ (at midnight / at the hotel)
Kate arrived at the hotel at midnight.
Cairo in the summer is _______ hot for travelling.
Oslo is _____ coldest place that I've been to.
The coach isn't big _________ for all the tourists.
The art gallery was ______ interesting as the museum.
The pizzas in Naples were __________ (tasty) than the pizzas in Rome.
Complete with a phrasal verb: The car was forced to _______ ________ because the speed limit was 120 km/h.
slow down
Complete with a phrasal verb: You'd better _______ _______ and finish your homework. It's getting late and we have to leave!
speed up
Complete with a phrasal verb: If you ______ _______ any nice souvenirs in Australia, buy me one, please. I collect fridge magnets.
come across
Complete with a phrasal verb: When we flew from Barcelona to Australia, we had to ______ ________ in Seoul.
stop over
Complete with a phrasal verb: What time do you _______ _______ from London? I'll pick you up from the airport.
get back
Complete with a phrasal verb: My parents ________ me _______ at the station when I left for my school trip.
saw me off
Complete with a phrasal verb: What time does the coach ______ ______ on the school trip tomorrow?
set off
The fact that we've won a free trip to Las Vegas seems _____ good to be true!
My writing wasn't good ________ to get me a pass mark so I need to try harder next time.
Staying at a five-star hotel is ___________ (expensive) than staying at a hostel.
more expensive
My new jeans aren't ______ comfortable as my old ones.
as / so
This is ___________ (good) carrot cake I've ever eaten! So yummy!
the best
Whenever I travel to a new city, I make sure to buy a _________ so that I can read about the tourist attractions.
travel guide
When we get to Paris, we plan to do a lot of ___________. There's so much to visit! The Eiffer Tower and the Louvre Museum are definitely a must!
Sarah's ___________ at Heathrow Airport is at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
Your ____________ from Madrid is at 11 a.m. next Monday.
Travellers with ___________ Warsaw must be informed that their flight has been delayed.
Guess the word: the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
Guess the word: a detailed plan or route of a journey
Guess the word: a place in which to live, work, stay, etc. (for example, a hotel, a hostel, an apartment, etc.)
Guess the word: the amount of money you have available to spend
Guess the word: The broken parts that are left of an ancient building or town
Define: skyscraper
A very tall modern building, usually in a city
Define: statue
An object made from a hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like a person or animal
Define: pyramid
A type of building typical from Egypt used as a tomb (= place to bury people) for the Pharaohs (= kings of Ancient Egypt)
Define: column
It's a long cylinder that supports a building and it's usually made of stone.
If I ________ (speak) perfect English, I _______ (have) a good job.
If I spoke perfect English, I'd have a good job.
If we __________ (live) in Mexico, I _________ (speak) Spanish.
If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.
If you ________ (have) a better job, we _______ (be able to) buy a new car.
If you had a better job, we could / would be able to buy a new car.
If she ________ (pass) the exam, she _________ (be able to) enter university.
If she passed the exam, she could / would be able to enter university.
My brother __________(buy) a sports car if he ________(have) the money.
My brother would buy a sports car if he had the money.
If I __________(be) a millionaire, ________(buy) a palace.
If I were a millionaire, I'd buy a palace.
If he ___________(have) more time, he ___________(learn) karate.
If he had more time, he would learn karate.
If these walls _________(be) thicker, we ________(not hear) the neighbours.
If these walls were thicker, we wouldn't hear the neighbours.
They ______ (go) to Spain on holiday if they ________ (like) hot weather.
They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather.