Edit Game
English World 1 - Unit 12

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he doing? (he/play tennis)
He is playing tennis.
What is the dog doing? (he/teach a class)
He is teaching a class.
What is she doing? (she/chat with friends)
She is chatting with friends.
What is the girl doing? (she/go shopping)
She is going shopping.
What is he doing? (he/open the door)
He is opening the door.
What are you doing? (I/wash my hands)
I am washing my hands.
What are the men doing? (they/fight)
They are fighting.
What are you doing? (I/walk slowly)
I am walking slowly.
What are we doing? (we/sing)
We are singing.
What is the bird doing? (it/swing on the swing)
It it swinging on the swing.
What is the dog doing? (it/play the piano)
It is playing the piano.
What are they doing? (they/play jump rope)
They are playing jump rope.
What is the woman doing? (she/read a book)
She is reading a book.
What is the man doing? (he/sit on the chair)
He is sitting on the chair.
What is the rabbit doing? (it/call friends on the phone)
It is calling friends on the phone.
What are we doing? (we/learn English)
We are learning English.
What is the cat doing? (it/work on the computer)
It is working on the computer.
What are the birds doing? (they/fly in the sky)
They are flying in the sky.
What are the animals doing? (they/speak quietly)
They are speaking quietly.
What are you doing? (I/make a sandwich)
I am making a sandwich.
The monkey _____ (eat) a lot of fruits.
The monkey is eating a lot of fruits.
We _____ (have) a party.
We are having a party.
The girl _____ (cry) loudly.
The girl is crying loudly.
She _____ (clean) the house.
She is cleaning the house.
The bear ____ (cook) in the kitchen.
The bear is cooking in the kitchen.
He _____ (watch) TV in the living room.
He is watching TV in the living room.
It _____ (rain).
It is raining.
I _____ (go) to bed.
I am going to bed.
The baby _____ (drink) orange juice.
The baby is drinking orange juice.
I _____ (do) my homework.
I am doing my homework.
You _____ (give) me a birthday present.
You are giving me a birthday present.
We _____ (open) Christmas presents.
We are opening Christmas presents.
They _____ (play) outside with friends.
They are playing outside with friends.
You _____ (run) to school.
You are running to school.
They _____ (make) a cake.
They are making a cake.
She _____ (laugh) with her friends.
She is laughing with her friends.
The dog _____ (swim) in a pool.
The dog is swimming in a pool.
The baby pigs _____ (brush) their teeth.
The baby pigs are brushing their teeth.
We _____ (clap) hands.
We are clapping hands.
We _____ (play) football.
We are playing football.
They _____ (fly) kites.
They are flying kites.
He _____ (ride) a bike.
He is riding a bike.
The panda _____ (climb) a tree.
The panda is climbing a tree.
David _____ (run) very fast.
David is running very fast.
They _____ (jump) on the bed.
They are jumping on the bed.
She _____ (drive) a red car.
She is driving a red car.
The man _____ (drink) water.
The man is drinking water.
The cat _____ (eat) the noodle.
The cat is eating the noodle.
They _____ (dance) in the party.
They are dancing in the party.
She _____ (play) the guitar now.
She is playing the guitar now.