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Arabian Peninsula and Islam

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is one loss Muslims suffered after Reconquista?
How did the Crusades affect the Jews?
They were persecuted throughout Europe
The Muslim empire spread across Europe, Asia, and Africa. What unified these groups of people?
Common Religion
How did Muslims modify the land to adapt to the climate?
Dug ditches for irrigation
What math symbol did Muslims name?
Jihad means to strive. What are Muslims striving for?
To overcome challenges
Why do Muslims believe in sharing their wealth or possessions with the needy?
It discourages greed
For Muslims, praying 5 times a day is a way of life that emphasizes spirituality and...
What is the first pillar of faith?
Shahadah, to submit to god
What did Muslims, Jews, and Christians do together in Cordoba?
Shared ideas on art, science, and technology
Why did Muhammad preach tolerance for christians and Jews?
Because they also believed in 1 god
How did Muhammad learn that God chose him as a prophet?
The angel Gabriel told him
What developed around Oases?
Trading Centers
What did Bedouins do?
Raised herds of animals in the desert
What was a nomads lifestyle like?
Moves from place to place
Arabias location made it important for what activity?