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Superlative adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5. Canada is ... than the United States, but the Antarctica is ... place on Earth.
colder, the coldest
4. Cola is ... than lemonade, but coffee is ... drink in the world.
more popular, the most popular
3. Monaco is ... than Lichtenstein, but the Vatican is ... country in the world.
smaller, the smallest
2. China is ... than Brazil, but Russia is ... country in the world.
bigger, the biggest
1. June is ... than March, but August is ... month.
hotter, the hottest
6. what / boring / sport?
What is the most boring sport? + ANSWER
5. what / interesting / school subject?
What is the most interesting school subject? + ANSWER
4. who / famous / person in your country?
Who is the most famous person in your country? + ANSWER
3. what / popular / dish in your country?
What is the most popular dish in your country? + ANSWER
2. what / good / programme on TV?
What is the best programme on TV? + ANSWER
1. who / intelligent / person in your family
Who is the most intelligent person in your family? + ANSWER
... planet in the solar system is Mercury.
The smallest
The Nile is ... river on land.
the longest
Cheetahs are ... animals on land.
the fastest
... painting in the world cost $140 million.
The most expensive
The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, is ... north of any capital city in the world.
the furthest, the farthest
Heathrow is ... airport in Europe. Sixty-seven million passengers use it every year.
the busiest