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Haiku or not?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ULY Beaches become full Of families having fun In sand and big waves.
Look at the cake again. That looks a bit funny now, one side doesn’t match the other I’ll just even it up a bit, eh
It was all dark everyone was in bed so it must have been really late but I got out of bed, crept out of the door there’s always a creaky floorboard, isn’t there?
MAY Much awaited sound Echoes heard amid dense trees Cuckoo has arrived.
APRIL Bluebells stand so proud Beneath trees so sparsely dressed Fresh green leaves unfold.
Chocolate Cake I love chocolate cake. And when I was a boy I loved it even more.
MARCH Lambs gambol in fields Frisky with the joys of life Bleating happily.
Don’t pick your ears, Don’t be rude at school. Who do they think I am? Some kind of fool?
FEBRUARY Fresh green buds appear Indicating spring will soon Energize us all.
JANUARY Delightful display Snowdrops bow their pure white heads To the sun's glory.
Boogy Woogy Buggy I glide as I ride in my boogy woogy buggy take the corners wide just see me drive I’m an easy speedy baby doing the baby buggy jiv