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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence using a comparative form: Spending time with friends....
Answers will vary
Complete the sentence using a comparative form: Studying English...
Answers will vary
Complete the sentence using a comparative form: Travelling abroad...
Answers will vary
Complete the sentence using a comparative form: Traffic is Recife......
Answers will vary
He is not _____________________ as me. He is very rude and mean to people. (friendly)
as friendly as
Make a comparison between life before quarantine and life during quarantine.
Answers will vary
Right or Wrong? On Sundays the trains are slower and much less reliable than on Mondays.
Right or Wrong? The 5 o'clock bus makes lesser stops than the 3 o'clock bus.
Right or Wrong? Geography is a worst subject than maths.
Wrong: worse NOT worst
Today I ran 20 miles and he ran 10 miles. Therefore I ran _____ than he did.
Answer: further/farther
Create a MORE THAN... sentence with a count noun
Answers will vary
create an EQUAL TO... sentence with a noncount noun
Answers will vary
Create a LESS THAN.. sentence with the adverb of QUICK
Answers will vary
That blue phone is _________ mine. (expensive)
more expensive than / less expensive than / (not) as expensive as
That was way _____________ I expected. (fast)
faster than
This cheese is _______________ the one from last week. (good)
better than
The situation is _______________ I thought. (bad)
worse than
Right or Wrong? This day is as nicer as I could expect.
wrong: as nice as
Right or Wrong? That computer is as more advanced as this one.
wrong: as advanced as
Create an ...AS...AS... sentence with the adjective INTELLIGENT.
Answers will vary