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Academic Vocab 1-9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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NEEDS COMMAS: "Jane enjoys cooking her family and her dog."
Jane enjoys cooking, her family, and her dog.
NEEDS COMMA(S): "Lets eat Grandma!"
Let's eat, Grandma
NEEDS COMMA(S): My class went on a field trip to Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
My class went on a field trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
NEEDS COMMMA(S): Mrs. Dellett was born on March 15 1993.
Mrs. Dellett was born on March 15, 1993.
NEEDS COMMA(S): Mrs. Winston your class has helped me.
Mrs. Winston, your class has helped me.
NEEDS COMMA(S): "She drove through Illinois Indiana and Kentucky."
She drove through Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.
Choose one: This character is (TIRED, SHY, CONFUSED)
Choose one: This character is (EXCITED, SCARED, ANNOYED)
Choose one: This character is (QUIET, BEAUTIFUL, LOUD)
Choose one: This character is (A FRIEND, A BULLY)
a bully
Choose one: This character is (CALM, NERVOUS, TIRED)
Choose one: This character is (POOR, POPULAR, FUNNY)
Choose one: This character is (LOUD, HAPPY, SERIOUS)
Choose one: This character is (SERIOUS, MAD, SILLY)
Choose one: This character is (RICH, SLOW, MEAN)
n. a long written response to a question or topic
v. to come up with ideas about a topic
adj. a type of essay where you explain
n. adjectives we can use to describe a character
character traits
n. the study of what a character is like