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What's your favourite sport?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"The restaurant, where we met, is very nice." Is this correct? If not, correct it.
No! The restaurant where we met is very nice.
"My friend, that is Canadian, plays ice hockey." Is this correct? If not, correct it.
No! My friend, who is Canadian, plays ice hockey.
What is the name of the sharp part of the skates?
Do Canadians use "sofa"?
Yes! But also "couch"
What unit of measurement do Canadians use, miles or kilometres?
What's the name of this?
When can "that" be used instead of "which"?
ONLY defining clauses
Make a defining clause: The girl / Scott met when he was young / is his ice dance partner
The girl who Scott met when he was young is his dance partner.
Make a non-defining clause: Kaetlyn Osmond / won an Olympic bronze medal / is from Canada
Kaetlyn Osmond, who won an Olympic bronze medal, is from Canada
"The skater who wears a black costume is my brother." What type of relative clause is this?
"Canada, which is located in North America, is a very large country." What type of relative clause is this?
Figure skaters wear... and ... on their feet.
Costumes / Skates
Where do people sit at competitions?
What is the name of the place where they practise figure skating?
Ice rink
Name three winter sports apart from figure skating
Ice hockey, curling, skiing, snowboarding, bobsleigh
Where do they mostly speak French in Canada?