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have got/has got

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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moj wujek ma czarne i siwe krotkie wlosy
my uncle has got black and grey short hair
moja ciocia ma ciemne, krotkie i falowane wlosy.
my aunt has got black short andwavy hair
moi dziadkowie maja siwe wlosy
my grandparends have got grey hair
moi rodzice maja rude wlosy
my parents have got red hair
moj dziedek na krotie siwe wlosy
my grandfather hes got short grey
moja siostra ma jasne, falowane wlosy
my sister hes got fair wavy hair
moj kuzyn ma krotkie ciemne wlosy
my cousin has got short black hair
moja babcia ma krecone siwe wlosy
my grandmother has got curlu and grey hair
moj tata jest Å‚ysy
my dad is bold