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C3 - Caleb's Story

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE/FALSE: Jacob did not forgive Grandpa in the end
After studying for hours I crawled into bed for a long ___________________. a. struggled b. restless c. slumber
c. slumber
The rainy day looks so ____________ because it is dark and sad. a. slumber b. dreary c. lecture
b. dreary
I am ___________ with math exercise because it is hard. a. dreary b. struggling c. gave in
b. struggling
TRUE/FALSE: Sam said that it was okay for John to do heavy work around the farm
FALSE Because he had heart problem
Why did Grandpa leave Jacob?
Because he and Jacob's mom could not leave together anymore.
TRUE/FALSE: Sam cured Jacob's broken legs.
False. It was Grandpa.
TRUE/FALSE: At the end of the story, Grandpa still could not read.
False He could read thanks to the help of Caleb
Why could Grandpa NOT send a letter to Jacob when he was away?
Because he could not write.
How did Sarah get lost in the snowstorm?
The rope broke
TRUE/FALSE: Sarah died in the end of the story
FALSE She was saved.
What did Caleb want for his birthday?
He wanted Jacob to forgive Grandpa
When I broke my leg I had to use ______________________. a. crutches b. lecture c. struggled
a. crutches
TRUE/FALSE: Sarah told Jacob to forgive Grandpa