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Life in Egypt Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was Jean Francois Champollion?
He decipered the Rosetta Stone
The oldest mummy ever found was from Egypt. True or False?
False (Chile-7,800 yrs ago)
Why is the Rosetta Stone so important?
It was the key to figuring reading Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
How long is the NIle River?
about 4,000 miles long
Where were the pharaohs bodies & tombs located after pyramids were no longer built?
Tombs were hidden below the sand.
Egyptians stopped building pyramids because ________.
They were too expensive
What eventually happened to most of the treasure inside the pyramids?
The treasures were stolen by grave robbers
A Pharaoh controlled all of Egypt and was like a living ___________.
Explain how you know that Egyptians believed in the after life?
The pharaohs were buried with treasures in their pyramids & tombs
How was the new capital of Egypt chosen?
It was centrally located between the two former nations.
What city was the first capital of Egypt?
King Menes chose to be called ____________ ,which means "Great House".
What did King Menes do to help Egypt?
He joined Upper & Lower Egypt into one empire
How did the Egyptian farmers get such fertile soil in the desert?
Fertile silt was left behind each year after the June-July flooding
World's longest river?
Nile River