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Wednesday Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's Wednesday's necklace made of?
Why didn't Enid invite Ajax to the Rave'N?
He stood her up on their date.
What are the ways to manipulate the Hyde according to the journal?
Chemical induction or hypnosis.
What's Bianca real name?
Brandy Jane
Who gave Wednesday a cellphone?
What's Pugsley's favorite bait?
How did Thing get the dress?
It stole it
How did Wednesday find out who was the Hyde?
She kissed Tyler and had a vision of him killing people.
How did the Mayor die?
Someone hit him with a car and then unplugged the wires from the hospital.
Which card/place does Wednesday get for Outreach day?
Urich's Heap, the creepy antique store.
What was Wednesday looking for during Outreach Day?
She was looking for more information about Crackstone, more especifically, the book Goodie was holding in her vision.
How do you kill Crackstone?
You have to stab him in his black heart.
In which episode did Enid become a she-wolf?
In the last episode.
Why didn't Ajax show up at his date with Enid?
Because he looked at himself in the mirror and became a statue (at least for a while).
Where did Wednesday's parents meet?
At Nevermore
What's Xavier's ability/power?
He's a psychic and he controls his artworks
Who killed principal Larissa Weems ?
Miss Marilyn Thornhill
Who won the Allan Poe race?
The black cat.
What do you have to do to open Beladona's secret passage?
Snap your fingers twice.
Why was Wedneday expelled from her first school?
Because she threw carnivorous fish in the swimming pool.
What's the name of Wednesday's butler?
Which poison killed Garrett Gates?
What's the name of Wednesday's ancestor?
Goody Addams
Where does Tyler work?
At the Weathervane
What's the name of Wednesday's roommate?
What's the name of the actress that plays Wednesday?
Jenna Ortega
What's Eugene's ability/power?
Bee control
What's the name of the creature that's killing people?
The Hyde
What happenned at the Rave´N party?
Lucas and his friends sabotaged the party with a fake blood rain.
How old is Wednesday?
She's 16.