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What is the Economies scale?
The relation of the cost advantages obtained from a company becoming large.
How is labor productivity defined?
By the level of output prodiced per worker (or worker-hour)
If we observe a fall in the price is ______ the equilibrium and it causes the price....Higher than/to rise, Lower than/to fall, Higher than/to fall.
Higher than/to fall.
Is the caoacity of commodity to satisfy human want.
It can be defined as the study of people and their resources...Economics, marketing, management.
What do you mean by supply of goods?
Quantity of the goods offered for sale at a particular price per unit of time.
What does the law of demand means?
As the prices raises, the quantity of demand fails.
The goal of pure market economy is to met the desires of...? The consumer, the companies, the workers, the goverments.
What does capitalism refer to?
Private ownership of goods.
What is gross national product?
The total value of goods and services produced in the country and the net factor income from abroad.
When the prices floor is set above equilibrium price will result in...?
What do you mean by the demand of a commodity?
quantity that consumers are able and wiling to buy at various prices during any particular period of time.
What do you mean by mixed economy?
Public and private sectors.
Which of the following is the relation that the law of demand defines? Income and price of commodity, quantity demanded and quantity supplied, price and quantity of commodity.
price and quantity of commodity.
What is the inflation rate?
Is the rate of the increace in prices over a given period of time.
What is the gross domestic product?
Is the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period.
What does GDP stands for?
Gross domestic product.
What are the three basic problems of economics?
What to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce.
Who is the father of economics?
Adam Smith.
How many colours the sunlight spectrum has?
Which of the following rays is the most penetrating? X-rays, gamma rays, beta rays, or alpha rays?
Gamma rays.
Nuclear fission is caused by the impact of...
The quote "No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum number" is...Newton`s law, Pauli`s excusion principle, Auybau principle.
Pauli`s excusion principle.
In an atomic nucleus, neutrons and protons are held together..by what?
Exchange forces.
Who suggested that most of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus? Rutherford, Eisntein, Bohr, orThompson?
Mesons are found in...
Cosmic rays.
Atoms are composed of...Protons only, electrons only, electrons AND nuclei.
electrons AND nuclei.
Electric current is measured by...
Kilowatt is the measure of...power, electricity, current.
One horse power is equal to...746, 634, 984 watts.
746 watts.
Light years is theKi measurement of..
Stellar distance.
Fathom is the unit of...
Decibel is the unit for...Speed of light, radio wave frequncy, or intensitive of sound?
intensitive of sound.
One fathom is equal to..
6 feet.
How do you measure the amplitud of sound?
By using decibels.
Heavy water is..
Deuterium oxide.
The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni are called...
Transition metals.
The average salinity of sea water is..
The hardest substance available on earth is...
Bromine is a...Black solid, red liquid, colourless gass.
Red liquid.
Which of the following gases are used to fill electric bulbs? Hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen.
Chemical formula of water.
Which of the following is used in pencils? Graphite, silicon, charcoal.
In which central metal is Clorophyll used as a natural occurring chelate compound? Copper, magnesium, or iron?
Which of the following non metals remains in liquid form at room temperature Phosphorus, Helium, Chlorine, or Bromine?
Which King of England was executed in 1649 during the English revolution?
Charles I.
How many U.S presidents have been assessinated?
Four; Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, Wiliam McKinley, J.F. Kennedy.
What was the family of the Russion rulers from thr 17th century until the revolution of 1917.
In which year was J.F. Kennedy assassinated?
In 1963.
In which year did Hitler died?
In 1945.
How long did the war between England and Zanzibar lasted?
38 - 45 minutes.
What was the shortest war un human history?
The war between England and Zanzibar.
In 2006, Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a what?
Dwarf Planet.
In what year did the United States return the Panama Canal to Panama?
In 1977.
Who assessinated Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles in 1968?
Sirhan Srihan.
In what year did New Mexico become a state?
In 1912.
In which country did the first marxist revolution take place?
Which country started the first newspaper in the world?
Who discovered India?
Vasco Da Gama.
When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
In 1492.
When did WWII started and came to an end?
September 1st 1939 to September 2nd of 1945.
When did WWI start and came to an end?
July 28th of 1914 - November 11th of 1918.
Who was the first president of Pakistan?
Major General Iskander Mirza.
Who was the king during the French Revolution?
Louis XVI.
When was the East India Company formed?
December 31st of 1600.
Which Country had the first women`s institute Canada, Mexico, or Scotland?
During the American civil war, who was the presindent of America? J.F. Kennedy, Bush, Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln.
Where did the first industrial revolution start?
Great britain.
Who is known as the father of modern medicine? Hipopotamus, Hipocrit, or Hippocrates?
what is the OLDEST civilization in the world?