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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which animals is close to becoming extinct? Whales, West Indian manatees, or elephants.
West Indian manatees
Animals need _________ where they can be safe from their enemies.
Which dinosaur is a meat-eater? Allosaurus, Iguanodon, or Ankylosaurus?
A dinosaur's footprint is a kind of _________.
Living things that are close to becoming extinct are ___________.
Many living things could not live when Earth changed. They became ____________. ___________means to die out.
The oldest plant and animals fossils found are from the _________.
Paleozoic era
The __________ is called the "Age of Mammals."
Cenozoic era
The __________ is called the "Age of Reptiles."
Mesozoic era
_______ is a very long amount of time.
A person who studies life in the past is a _______?
How energy from food passes from one living thing to another is called a ________.
food chain