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World Cup 2022

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You're lucky today! 25 extra points for your team!
Where will the World Cup be in 2026?
North America (Canada, USA and Mexico)
In what city did the final game of the World Cup 2022 happen?
How many games are played in the World Cup?
In what country did Spain win the World Cup?
South Africa
Andrés Escaloni won the Copa America and the World Cup 2022. True or False?
False. It was Lionel Scaloni
This is the 2022 World Cup mascot Habibi
False. It's La'eeb
The 2022 World Cup has not been controversial at all. True or False?
Canada [has/ doesn't have] a World Cup title.
doesn't have
Kylian Mbappé is from [Croatia / England / France].
What countries have 4 world cup titles? [Italy and Brazil / Italy and Germany]
Italy and Germany
[32 / 31 / 30] countries play in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
Qatar is in [Asia / Africa]?
This is the first World Cup in the Middle East. True or False?
Italy qualified for the 2022 World Cup. True or False
7 new stadiums have been built for the 2022 World Cup. True or False?