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English 9- the first term

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Could/ you/ send/ me/ details/ courses and fees?
Could you please send me the details of courses and fees?
I/ speak/ little/ English,/ but/ I/ want/ learn/ speak/ fluently and write well.
I can speak a little English, but I want to learn to speak more fluently and write well.
I/ interest/ learning English/ and/ I/ would like/ more/ information/ your school.
I am interested in learning English and I would like some more information about your school
I/ see/ institution’s advertisement/ today’s local newspaper.
I saw your institution's advertisement in today's local newspaper.
I’m very busy, so I can’t go to the meeting → If you don’t hurry up,
If you don’t hurry up, you can't go to the meeting
I asked Bill, “What time did you go to bed last night?” → I asked Bill......................
I asked Bill what time he had gone to bed the night before.
“Let’s go for a walk,” said Tam. → Tam suggested................................
Tam suggested going for a walk
Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.” → Johnny told his mother ...............
Johnny told his mother that he didn’t know how to do that exercise
When I got back to Spain , I was so much more (4) ..................... A. say B. language C. confident
After two years, I went to England to a (3)............... school. A. say B. language C. confident
I was so surprised at how quickly I (2)...............progress. A.made B. vocabulary C. say
When I first started learning English ten years ago. I could hardly (1) ........ a word – “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you” . A.made B. vocabulary C. say
c. SAY
If you study at that university, you can live in a ................. on the campus. A. dormitory B. house C. hotel D. caravan
Baird produced the first TV picture in 1926, .......... ? A. did he B. didn’t he C. was he D. wasn’t he
didn't he
Why don’t you .........off the light before leaving the room? A. turned B. turning C. to turn D. turn
My friend asked me what time .......... going to leave the following day. A.am I B. was I C. I was D. I am
Remote controls are used to interact ............ TV. A. to B. about C. with D. into
How much time do you spend................. the web a day? A. surfing B. skiing C. entering D. clicking
2. A. internet B. institute C. limitation D. violent
1. A. ordered B. communicated C. responded D. shouted