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English 8-The first term-22-23

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You ……………….. get up early in order to do exercises. A. should B. ought C. must D.shouldn't
LISTENING4. She went on ………….. to see a local village. A. a car trip B. a coach trip C. a boat trip D. a train
LISTENING: She went for long walks ……………. and saw amazing animals. A. everyday B. every May C. everyplace D everyone
LISTENING: In the first afternoon, she went on a tour of the city to see some amazing ……….. architecture. A. old B. modern C. small D. big
LISTENING. 1. She went to Malaysia last summer with ……………. A. her friends B. her sister C. her mother D her father
I/ send/ you/ postcard/ the festival/there.
I’ll send you a postcard about the festival from there.
In a few weeks, / we/ go to/ celebrate/ the Lunar New Year Festival/ Viet Nam.
In a few weeks, we’re going to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival in Viet Nam.
I/ think/ I/ have to/ study harder/ next/ school year.
I think I’ll have to study harder next school year.
My teacher/ tell/ me/ improve/ English and History.
My teacher told me to improve English and History.
I/ receive/ my/ second/ semester report/ last month.
I received my second semester report last month.
I/ please/ hear/ you/ have/ wonderful/ Christmas.
I’m pleased to hear you had a wonderful Christmas.
Well, I think there’s one across from the shopping center. James: ................................ a. You’re welcome b. Thank you c. Excuse me
Thank you
Yes, there are some (3) ............Pine Street. a. of b. at c. on
I’m (2) ......... a grocery store. Are there any stores around here? a. waiting for b. writing for c. looking for
James: Excuse me, I’m your new (1).........., Jack. I have just moved in. Mrs. Jones: Oh. Yes?
My birthday is 5 April. Tom's birthday is 5 April too.  My birthday is the same
My birthday is the same as Tom's.
This book is more interesting than that book. That book isn’t as
That book isn't as interesting as this book.
Vietnamese language is different _________ English language. A. from B. like C. as D. with
Hoa: “Could you do me a favor?”¬ - Nga: “_________.” A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Good idea D. Sure
Minh used to _________ swimming when he was young. A. going B. went C. go D. goes
Please wait_________ The doctor is taking Lan’s temperature. A. inside B. outside C. beside D. in
My mother hates _________ the dishes after meals A. playing B. bringing C. washing D. moving
2. Customers can shop in _________in the new shopping mall in town. A. concern B. convenience C. comfort D. community
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 1. A. participate B. underline C. highlight D. decide