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Language Families

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Are Dutch and Turkmen sister languages?
Are French and Spanish sister languages?
If you traveled to Switzerland, you would find people speaking ________________.
If you traveled from Portugal to Dubai, which two languages would you come in contact with?
Portugese and Arabic
Can you name the 2 easiest languages to learn if you already know TURKISH?
Azeri, Turkmen, Uzbek, Tatar, Uyghur, Kazakh, etc.
Korean is the sister language of ______________. Spanish OR Japanese?
Russian, Ukranian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian belong to the _________ Language Family. Baltic-Slavic OR Greek?
The most widely spoken language in the world is _____________.
Mandarin Chinese
Can you name two most spoken languages of the Romance (Latin) Language Family?
French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, etc.
Can you name two most spoken languages of the Germanic Language Family?
English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, etc.
Turkish belongs to the _____________ language family. Ural-Altaic OR Afro-Asiatic?
English belongs to the __________ language family. Sino-Tibetan OR Indo-European?