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Near Future Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I have my salary, I _______ (buy) a new laptop. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
am going to buy (FP)
It’s Paul’s birthday next week. His friend _______ (give) him a present. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
is going to give (FP)
The house is shaking. It ________ (fall) down. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
is going to fall (PE)
I feel terrible. I __________ (be) sick. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
am going to be (PE)
There are no clouds in the sky. It ___________ (not rain) today. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
isn't going to rain (PE)
Jeremy ______ (go shopping) with his girlfriend. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
is going to go shopping (FP)
We _______ (visit) our grandparents this evening. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
are going to visit (FP)
He broke the window. His mom ________ (be) angry at him. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
is going to be (PE)
____ we _____ (decorate) our house before Mid Autumn Festival? (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
Are we going to decorate (FP)
The tree is nearly 100 years old. It _________ (fall) off one day. (Future Plan (FP) or Prediction with Evidence (PE)??)
is going to fall (PE)