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brainy kl.5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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From where you can buy a pizza?
from the pizzeria
What is she doing?
She is washing the windows
What is the lady doing?
The lady is clearing the table
What kind of water is it?
It`s sparkling water
What is the boy eating?
He is eating fast food
What is he doing?
He is cutting up the vegetable/leek
Przetłumacz: zmywać naczynia, na Angielski
Do the washing-up
What are the monkeys doing?
The monkeys are washing the car
What is the monkey doing?
The monkey is ironning the clothes
what is he doing?
He is feeding the kitty
From where you can order kebab for lunch?
from a kebab stall
What is pig doing?
Pig is eating sweets/chocolate
Extra task: What is he doing? :>
He is vacuuming his dog :3        <3
What is he doing?
He is eating cereal
What is he doing?
He is walking the dog
What is the skeleton doing?
He is tidying his room
What do you do before dinner?
I set the table
What are they doing?
They are making the bed
co ona robi teraz?
She is shopping now