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The Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: Why ................ they .................... (not tell) us the truth yesterday?
Why did they not tell ..../Why didn't they tell us ...?
Complete: .................. she ever ...................... (drink) alcohol?
Has she ever drunk .....?
Complete: Last weekend he ..............................(sell) his old car.
Complete: ....................... (be) you sure about that?
Complete: What .........................(be) the matter?
is/ 's
Complete: What ............. you ........................ (do) at the very moment?
are you doing
Complete: The thieves .................................. (leave) nothing behind, so we had to move in at our friends' place.
had left
Complete: When she came home, the woman realised that something ...............................(be stolen) from the garage.
had been stolen
Complete: It often.............................(rain) in Scotland.
Complete: We ...................... never...................... (see) such a lovely landscape.
We have never seen .....
Complete: Look, they ...........................................(have) great fun!
are having
Complete: Water ................................. (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
Complete: That ....................................... (not happen) again, I promise.
won't/will not happen
Complete: Next school year she ............................. (try) to get better marks in Geography.
will try
Complete: The sun ............................. (rise) in the east.
Complete: ................... he ...................... (speak) to his parents yet?
Has he spoken .....?
Complete: _____________ you ever _____________(be) to America?
Have you ever been ....?
Complete: Yesterday evening I ..................................... (read) a book while my son ................................... (watch) TV.
was reading (a book) --- was watching (TV)
Complete: What ..............she ................. (write) right now?
is she writing
Complete: How ................... (be) you today?
Complete: After he ........................................ (take) lots of pictures he showed them to us.
had taken
Complete: What .............. you ........... (do) next winter?
will you do
Complete: Yesterday there ............... (be) a parade in Vienna. 