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New Year Celebrations (7)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is New Year's Day?
1 January
How do we celebrate New Year in Slovenia?
Make three resolutions.
What do we do after the countdown to the new year?
We kiss and wish everyone a happy new year.
Who sings "Silvesterski poljub"?
Alfi Nipič
What is the most famous Slovenian song usually sung on New Year's?
Silvesterski poljub
What do we call the counting of seconds until the new year?
Which saint is associated with New Year's Eve?
Saint Sylvester
Which drink is often associated with New Year's Eve?
What do we call the promises we make on New Year's Eve?
How are Hawaiians usually dressed for New Year's Eve?
In shorts and T-shirts.
What is kadomatsu?
A Japanese decoration
Name three dishes that Hawaiians eat on New Year's Eve.
Ozoni soup, mochi, bean soup.
How many days do this year's holidays last?
When is New Year's Eve?
31 December
Where does bean soup come from?
Who brought fireworks to Hawaii?
The Chinese
What is in the picture?