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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a sentence using past continuous
When the girl was sleeping, a witch cast a spell on her.
Create a sentence using past continuous.
A prince was fighting a witch when she turned him into a frog.
Make a past continuous sentence.
She was eating an apple when she fell off her chair.
Make a past continuous sentence.
He/She was walking through a cave when he/she found a magic ring.
sleep for __ _____
sleep for 100 years
____ into a ____
turn into a frog
_____ in a cottage.
live in a cottage
Kept in a ______.
Cottage: kgithn
Unscramble: atcgtoe
Unscramble: rdizaw
Unscramble: neueq
Where did the witch live?
She lives in a cottage.
What was in the well?
A magic ring was in the well.
Who did fleet go on his adventure with?
He went with his dragon.
Where did Fleet and the dragon go?
They went on a long, dangerous adventure.
How do you start a story?
'Once upon a time...' OR 'A long time ago....'
What is it?
A tower
What is it?
A swamp
What is it?
A well
What is it?
A dungeon
What is it?
A castle
Who is it?
A princess
What is it?
A dragon
Who is it?
A wolf
Who is it?
A witch
Who is it?
A king