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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mom put 7 gifts under the tree for Matt. Santa adds 3 more. How many gifts are under the tree for Matt?
The date is December 20. How many more days are there until Christmas Day?
You will be kissed if you stand below the __________
Who brings presents to children in Spain traditonally?
the three wise men
What color is Santa's suit?
Who is the lead reindeer?
Where are the gifts usually found on Christmas morning?
Under the Christmas tree
Who helps Santa make the toys?
the elves
How does Santa get into houses to deliver the toys?
Down the chimney
If I have 12 candy canes and I need to divide them between Beth, Becca, and Amy, how many will each student get?
What night does Santa come?
Christma's Eve
What do we hang from the chimney?
Santa has delivered toys to 10 houses and has 4 more houses left to visit. How many houses total will Santa visit?
Where is Santa's workshop?
In the North Pole
Which reindeer is not part of Santa's team? : Comet , Prancer , Blitzer, Klaxon, Dasher
The Clark family has 5 family members. Each of them hung a stocking on the chimney. How many stockings are hanging?
There are 12 jingle bells on Santa's sled. If 5 fall off, how many are left?