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Magical Characters

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Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Loki- His magical powers include shape-shifting, hypnosis, levitating, telekinesis and teleportation.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Doctor Strange- He can fly using his cloak, create teleportals, summon objects and separate his spirit from his body.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Jafar- He can hypnotise others, levitate objects, breathe fire, summon objects, and transform himself.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Dolores Madrigal- She has the power of superhuman hearing.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
The Fairy Godmother- She uses a magic wand to perform metamorphosis and has the ability to warp reality.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
The Genie- He can grant wishes and manipulate reality on a large scale.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Ursula- She has superhuman strength and can turn mermaids into humans.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Matilda- Her power is telekinesis – she can move things with her mind.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Gandalf- He is able to manipulate light and fire.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Mary Poppins- She can speak to animals, telekinesis, transport herself, manipulate reality and fly using her umbrella.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Harry Potter- He’s a wizard and can do magic with a magic wand.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Tooth Fairy - She can fly and brings you money when you lose a tooth.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Father Christmas/Santa- He can fly in his sleigh and deliver presents in one night.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Elsa- She can manipulate ice and snow.
Who is this character and what are their magical powers?
Peter Pan- He can fly and doesn’t grow up.