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Discussion questions C1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How would you feel if supermarkets stopped packaging products like rice, fruits, pastas, etc. and you had to start bringing containers from home to package these items? Would you be relieved or annoyed and why?
Would you ever consider going zero-waste? Why or why not?
Why do you think people like designer brands? Are you a fan of any designer brands?
Are service jobs more or less stressful than office jobs? Why?
Have you heard the phrase “helicopter parent?” Why do you think about that concept?
Do you think that parents are overprotective nowadays? Why or why not?
Whose responsibility is it to protect endangered animals? Why?
Are garage sales or sidewalk sales popular in your country? Have you ever gone to one? If not, would you consider going to one?
When you are buying furniture, what do you look for? Comfort? Practicality? Style?
What do you think about today’s fashion trends? Why?
What do you think teachers should do with misbehaving children? Why?
Is it wrong to judge people by their appearance?
Have you discovered any customs or traditions that were different from your home country’s customs?
Do you think the whole world can or should be vaccinated against the coronavirus?
Are car manufacturers really interested in preserving the environment?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars?
Do you think all citizens should be encouraged to do voluntary service overseas so as to understand the problems of poorer countries?
How can we tell if a news story is ‘fake’ or not?
What is the purpose of the misinformation?
What are the causes of violence?
Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour?
What is the best way to stop diseases from spreading?
What's the best way to teach manners to children?
Can good manners in one country be bad manners in another country?
Do you think failures can contribute to a person's success?
How would you define success?
Do people have habits that annoy you?
If you had to leave your home quickly, what would you take with you?
If you could have dinner with someone, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?
If you were given the opportunity to be born again, what would you change in your life?