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Right on 6- Review for the first term

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do you like it?
I like it because it is delicious.
Where is it popular?
It is popular in Vietnam.
What are the ingredients of the dish?
It is a dish with beef, noodle and lettuce.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is beef noodle.
A. three B. thank C. there
A. writes B. finishes C. walks
intelligent/ most/ in his class/ John/ the/ is/ student.
John is the most intelligent student in his class.
every/ Does/ Huong/ videos onlines/ usually/ watch/ night?
Does Huong usually watch video online every night.
There/ yoghurt/ an/ fridge/ in/ some/ apple/ and/ is/ the.
There is an apple and some yoghurt in the fridge.
My/ doesn’t/ coffee/ father/ like/ drinking.
My father doesn't like drinking coffee.
You can use a...................to mix the milk with the chocolate until the milk goes brown.
Then, I put the small pieces of chocolate in the ...................... A. pot B. saucepan .
First, I warm some milk in a saucepan. ........ , I use a knife to slice my favourite chocolate into small pieces.
I enjoy drinking hot chocolate ........ the winter.
In Canada, summer is ............... than winter. A. good B. better
B. better
We have ______________ money, let’s go out for a drink.
a little
................... do you usually bring to school? - Textbooks, notebooks and pens.
My father ............................... newspaper every morning.
You can have a ................ of chocolate after you’ve eaten your vegetables!
I usually ...................... out with my friends at the park.