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School Subjects and the Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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on Fridays? / maths / Have you got
Have you got maths on Fridays?
has got / every day. / Renaldo / physical education
Renaldo has got physical education every day.
Has my brother got geography on Tuesdays? (no)
My brother hasn't got geography on Tuesdays.
Has Andrea got music on Mondays? (no)
No, Andrea hasn´t got music on Mondays.
Have they got history at 2 o'clock?
Yes, they have got history at 2 o´clock.
tomorrow? / Have we got / art and design
Have we got art and design tomorrow?
Michelle / on Wednesdays. / hasn´t got history
Michelle hasn't got history on Wednesdays.
has got / English today. / Pablo
Pablo has got English today.
have we got / geography? / At what time
At what time have we got geography?
Has he / drama? / got
Has he got drama? / Does he have drama?
maths. / haven't got / We
We haven't got maths.
science. / She / has got
She has got science.
We read the bible in this class.
In this class we learn France's language.
We learn about animal body parts in this class.
We sometimes use a computer for this class.
We draw in this class.
art and design
In this class we learn to play the piano.
We use a map in this class.
We do a lot of sports in this class
physical education
I can become an actor with this subject.
A language spoken in England.
We learn about things that happened in the past.
We do experiments in this class.
A subject that uses words like "plus", "minus" and "multiply".