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B2 Exam skills
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Transform at least 3 out if those 5 sentences
1.. come to my house 2. ... have already eaten 3. last time I went swimming 4. had spoken to Marge 5. ... were cut down
Writing Part 1: Think of the genberal statement to this essay.
Industrialization and progress have brought greater comfort to people but at the same time negatively affected the environment all over the world.
Use of English Part 4: Transform at least 2 out of the 3 sentences.
1: ... looking forward to.. 2. .. see the point in buying .. 3. .. was not as expensive
Writing Part 2: What is the wordcount and what are the task types for Part 2 in writing?
140-190 words, review, report, formal email, informal email, article
Writing : How much time do you have for writin?
1 hour 20 min
Writing Part 1: What are some of the basic rules for writing an essay?
Organization: Intro - 3 body par - Summary, 1 idea per sentence + 1 idea per body paragraph, from general to particular, formal register, cohesion
Writing Part 1: What is the wordcount for an essay?
140 - 190 words
Part 4: Some people say that going out to relax is a waste of time and money. Do you agree?
Part 4: What sorts of restaurans are most popular with visitors in your country?
Part 3: Talk to a partner for 3 minutes
Part 3: Talk to a partner for 3 minutes.
Part 2: Compare and contrast the way to learn things.
Part 2: Compare and contrast. Why do the people do sport?
Part 2: Compare and contrast the way these people are interested inart.
Part 2: Compare and contrast. Talk about the quality of life of these animals.
Part 1: Do you use the internet to learn new things? What sort of things?
Part 1: What kind of work would you rally like to do in the future? Why? 30 sec
Part 1: Is there something you would really like to learn about? Why 30 sec
Part 1: Do you prefer spending time alone or with other people? Why? 30 sec