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First conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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15 curtseys
jump 15 times
Miss Madina ___(put) us "5" If we ________(find) answers correctly
Miss Madina will put us "5" If we find answers correctly
If I _____(do) it, my parents ______(be) proud of me
If I do it, my parents will be proud of me
What does the word "condition" mean?
It means "Условие"
When comma is not needed?
When The part of sentence without IF comes first
What two tenses are used in First Conditional?
Present Simple + Future Simple
Surely, she _____(become) fat If she ________(continue) to eat fast food
Surely, she will become fat If she continues to eat fast food
If they ____(travel) to Paris, definitely they ____(visit) the Eifel Tower
If they travel to Paris, definitely they'll visit the Eifel Tower
____ he (look after) you, If she ____(get) ill?
Will he look after you, If she gets ill?
I___(go) to the cinema with my friends If I_____ (come) home earlier
I'll go to the cinema with my friends If I come home earlier
If I _____(get) salary, I (buy) a new dress
If I get salary, I'll buy a new dress