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7A Extraordinary school for boys (AEF 3)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a score VS a grade
1 - is the result of a test or exam, given as a number. 2 - is the result of a test or exam, given as a letter.
a university VS a graduate
1 - is a place where you can study for a degree or do research. 2 - is someone who has completed all their classes at a university and graduated.
principal VS teacher
1 - is a person who is in charge of a school. 2 -is a person who teaches in any school aside from a university.
1 - stands for information technology. 2 - stands for physical education.
history VS a story
1 - is a subject that is the study of past events. 2 - is a description of events and people that a writer has invented in order to entertain.
a required subject VS an optional subject
1 - is one you have to study. 2 - is one that you can choose to study or not
a graduate VS a student
1 - is a person who has a college or university degree. 2 - is a person who studies at any age.
a single-sex school VS a mixed school
1 - is a school for either boys or girls, but not both. 2 - is a school for both boys and girls.
do homework VS do housework
1 - is to do the work given by teachers at home. 2 - is to do the work involved in taking care of a home, e.g., cleaning, cooking, etc.
take an exam VS retake an exam
1 - is the same as take a test. 2 - is to take an exam again because you've previously failed it .
a boarding school VS school
1 - is a school where students eat, sleep, live, and study. 2 - is a place where students go to be educated.
be punished VS be suspended
1 - is to make someone suffer because they've done smth bad or wrong. 2 - is to officially make somebody leave school because they have done smth wrong.
learn VS study
1 - is to get knowledge or a skill. 2 - is to spend time learning about something.
pass an exam VS аail an exam
1 - is to achieve the required standard in an exam or test. 2 - is the opposite.
a high school VS an elementary school
1 - for students between 14-18 years old. 2 - for students between 5-10 years old .
terms VS semesters
1- 1/3 periods of the year during which classes are held in schools/universities. 2- the 2 periods that the school/college year is divided into, esp. in US
a teacher VS a professor
1 - teaches in any school aside from a college or university. 2 - teaches at a college or university
pupils VS students
1 - study in an elementary I middle I high school (especially in the UK). 2 - s study at any age (US).
a public school VS a private school
1 - is run by the government and is usually free. You have to pay to go to a - 2.
bring somebody up VS educate somebody
1 - to take care of a child and teach them how to behave. It's usually done by parents / family member. 2 - is to teach smb at a school/university