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The Gift of the Magi

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Della save up a $1.87?
She bargained with the shopkeepers.
How is the ending of the story ironic?
They each sacrificed a prized possession to buy the other a gift that turned out to be useless.
What does it mean to 'window shop"?
to only look and not buy
Why is Jim ashamed to have his full name on his mailbox?
He doesn't make much money; he got a pay cut
Why is Jim so shocked to see Della with short hair?
Because he bought her combs for her hair.
How much money does Della get for her hair?
20 dollars
What does Jim buy Della for Christmas?
combs for her hair
What does Jim sell to buy Della a present?
his watch
Who were the magi?
The three kings from the bible who brought gifts for baby Jesus.
What present does Della buy for Jim?
a watch chain
What does Della decide to sell?
her hair
What's the relationship between Jim & Della?
They are husband and wife.
A 'shabby' apartment mean?
run-down, in poor condition
What is Jim's full name?
James Dillingham Young.
How much money has Della saved?
Why is Della upset?
She hasn't got enough money to buy Jim a Christmas present.
What time period was the story written?
early 1900s
What city does the story take place in?
New York City
When does the story take place?
The day before Christmas.
Who are the two main characters in the story?
Della & Jim