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EIKEN 2020-3 Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: Wow! You have some amazing photographs in your room, Tim. B: Thanks. Most of them ( ) by my grandfather. 1 are taking 2 were taken 3 had taken 4 is taking
2 were taken
A: Sally, would you mind ( ) the window? It's getting cold in here. B: Sure, Mr. Smith.
3 closing
The reason ( ) Paul wants to study biology is because he likes animals. He hopes to open up an animal hospital someday. 1 where 2 what 3 when 4 why
4 why
Jim wanted to travel around Asia for a year before he started college, but his parents were ( ) the idea. They said the trip would be too expensive. 1 above 2 against 3 about 4 along
2 against
A: When do we have to finish our science projects, Mr. Dixon? B: Be sure to ( ) your final report to me by March 10th. 1 turn off 2 dress up 3 burst into 4 hand in
4 hand in
A: It's too hot to sit ( ) the sun, isn't it? B: Yeah. Let's go and sit under that tree where it's cooler. 1 of 2 at 3 in 4 by
3 in
Oliver's mother asked him to go to the store because she had ( ) milk for the dessert she was making. 1 stood up for 2 come up with 3 run out of 4 broken out in
3 run out of
Daisy ate a lot of fried food during her vacation, so she ( ) some weight. She stopped eating fried food for about a month to lose it. 1 put on 2 made up 3 cleared out 4 showed off
put on
There is a big rock music festival in Allenville this summer. The main event will ( ) in the city stadium. 1 look up 2 take part 3 look after 4 take place
4 take place
A: George is so different from me. I don't think we can ever become friends. B: You should try talking to him more. I'm sure you'll find something you both have ( ). 1 by hand 2 for rent 3 on time 4 in common
4 in common
A: I'm tired, Kevin. Let's do the rest of our math homework tomorrow. B: No. We can't ( ) now! We're almost done. 1 quit 2 vote 3 shake 4 hide
1 quit
Some universities ( ) all of their students with laptop computers so that students can use the Internet in class. 1 solve 2 elect 3 raise 4 provide
4 provide
A: How long did it take for these flowers to grow? B: After planting the ( ), it took about a month. 1 seeds 2 bowls 3 laws 4 walls
1 seeds
A: Mr. Dubois, French is really hard. I don't seem to be getting better. B : Learning a foreign language is a slow ( ). Sometimes, it can feel like you're not improving, but don't give up! 1 process 2 gesture 3 mirror 4 temperature
1 process
A: Honey, are you ( ) that there is no food left in the house? B: Yes, I know. I'm going to the supermarket before lunch. 1 rapid 2 aware 3 proud 4 random
2 aware
Many students thought Julia should become class president because she showed great ( ) skills. 1 pattern 2 freedom 3 leadership 4 jealousy
3 leadership
Mr. Kimura told his staff members to put more information into their sales reports. He said they should ( ) graphs and charts in each report. 1 expect 2 claim 3 compete 4 include
4 include
Rachel's ice cream ( ) has been doing well lately. She has found a lot of new customers who want to buy her company's products. 1 journey 2 notice 3 item 4 business
4 business
Justin lost his bicycle key at school, so he could not ( ) his bicycle. He had to take the bus home. 1 decorate 2 unlock 3 reserve 4 feature
2 unlock
Sabrina's father asked her to buy some things at the supermarket, and he gave her $20. The food cost ( ) $15, so Sabrina gave her father a $5 bill as change. 1 lively 2 exactly 3 politely 4 anxiously
2 exactly