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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hint ( ヒント): Dad and I / go for a bike ride / last week
Dad and I went for a bike ride last week.
Hint ( ヒント): Jenny and I / play volleyball / yesterday
Jenny and I were playing volleyball yesterday.
Hint ( ヒント): Scott and Andy / borrow books / at the library
Scott and Andy were borrowing books at the library.
Hint ( ヒント): Paul / surf the Internet / at school lab
Paul was surfing the Internet at school lab.
Hint ( ヒント): Jenny / mail a letter / at the post office
Jenny was mailing a letter at the post office.
Hint ( ヒント): Homer / watch DVDs / at home
Homer was watching DVDs at home.
Hint ( ヒント): Wendy / buy a book / at a bookstore
Wendy was buying a book at a store.
Hint ( ヒント): go for a bike ride
They went for a bike ride.
Hint ( ヒント): go for a swim
He went for a swim.
Hint ( ヒント): go skating
I went skating.
Hint ( ヒント): go shopping
I went shopping.