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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Practice 3 different trigger scenarios and what relaxation strategy you might use and what you might  say or do after.
Someone comes up to you and tells you that you smell. Practice the steps of handling bullying and teasing.
1. Take a deep breath 2. keep calm 3. choose: walking away, comeback, ignoring, seeking help, ask in a friendly way to stop
Pick 2 of the strategies to practice: Silly voices, i can't, 5 senses, im noticing im having a thought, hand of control, meditation
Demonstrate 2 different relaxation strategies you can use
Role play what you would do if someone teased you about how you look today
Whats the difference between teasing and bullying?
Teasing: doesnt happen often, saying hurtful things, small bumps and pushes, minor insults. Bulying: happens over and over, more serious, punching kicking, rume
WHERE can you use a relaxation strategy? WHEN is a good time to use a relaxation strategy? and why might you use a relaxation strategy?
List 3 different comebacks you can use when someone says, "wow look at your hair, it looks like you colored it with crayons"
Examples: "k cool", "whatever", *Shrugs shoulders
Why do people bully?