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PY L2 Unit 6 Video
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do students do in the school?
They study, eat and sleep in the school.
Boarding school means: a. students go to school everyday b. Students live at the school
Why do students not go to school everyday?
Because it isn't safe for them to walk.
The students live far from the school. T or F
The school goes from: a. 1th grade to 4th grade b. 4th to 8th c. 8th to 12th
b. 4th grade to 8th grade
How many students at the school now?
200 students
How many girls at the beginning?
30 girls
At first, how many classrooms in the school?
How do we change the world? a. Help community b. Help the family c. Education
c. Education
Kakenya's slogan: "Help a girl, help a ... "
"Help a girl, help a family"
Where's Kakenya's school? a. Southwest Kenya b. Southeast Kenya c. South Kenya
a. Southwest Kenya
Kakenya's slogan: "Help a ..., help the community"
"Help a girl, help a community"