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American Government Final Review

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How many Appellate courts are there in the US?
Reviewing decisions by a district court is called _______________
Appellate jurisdiction
What is the purpose of a PAC?
To raise and funnel funds to a candidate it supports
If two candidates are too close to declare a winner in an initial election, they go to a special election called a _____________________.
What is suffrage?
the right to vote
The 3 parts of the American Constitution are __________________.
Preamble, Articles, Bill of Rights/Amendments
The power to confirm supreme court justices is a check and balance on the ___________, by the __________________.
President, Senate
What is a standing committee?
A permanent committee that has a standing job or function
What are the three types of opinions and a quick definition of each
majority - winning argument and reasoning, Concurring - agree with the decision but not the reasoning, dissenting - minority argument and reasoning
What is a reserved power?
A power granted to the state only
If the Supreme court grants certiorari, it is consenting to ____________
hear a case (judicial review)
What is an inchoate crime?
A crime that was attempted or started but not carried to completion
What are they two TYPES of crime?
Personal and Property
What is gerrymandering?
Redefining voting districts for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election
What is the purpose of a Filibuster?
To talk a bill to death
The purpose of a conference committee is_______________
work out a compromise between the House and Senate of different versions of the same bill
What vote is needed to overturn a presidential veto?
Where do most bills die in Congress?
What is the purpose of a National Convention?
Formally announce the party's candidate and establish party platforms
Independent groups that collect funds and campaign for individuals
What is a lobbyist?
a person who is employed and receives payment, or who contracts for economic consideration with the goal of influencing legislation
Republicans support all of the following except
limited military spending
fewer regulations
lower taxes
traditional societal values/structure
The United states has a ____________ political party system
Bi-partisan, two party
A civil case does not have which of the following?
A prosecution
A Judge
An example of a Felony
Simple Battery
Judicial review is __________.
the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution
Adding personal; interpretation to constitutional law is considered _____________?
Judicial Activism
Certiorari is ____________?
The Supreme Court agreement to hear/try a case
Government type where religious leaders are the primary ruling party
Did not attend the Constitutional convention
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
John Hancock
Ben Franklin
Who approves cabinet members?
the Senate
The only cabinet leader not called a secretary?
Attorney General
Most of the presidential cabinet leaders are called___________?
What is an additional role of the Vice President?
Preside over the Senate, break ties
Who gives the State of the Union Address?
The President
Only President never elected to the office
What are the next 3 persons in line to succeed the President should it be needed?
VP, Speaker of House, President Pro Tempore
Which Amendment establishes the 2 term limit for the President?
Total number of years a President is allowed to serve
3 requirements for a Presidential Candidate
1. a candidate must be a natural-born citizen 2. at least 35 years old 3. a resident of the United States for 14 years
Minumum age for a US Senator
Give 3 presidential powers
Conduct Foreign affairs, Make treaties, pardon convictions, Appoint federal judges, etc
Defending the Nation and acquiring territory are examples of what type of power?
Inherent Power
The creation of the IRS is an example of ________________?
an implied power
An implied power is one that _______________?
Is not specifically given in the Constitution but is implied with another power.
Define the “elastic clause” or the concept of “necessary and proper”
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper to carry out government functions
2 examples of Enumerated powers given to Congress
Establish and collect taxes, Declare War, (many others)
An enumerated power is ________________?
One specifically expressed in the constitution
Creation of lower courts of the Federal Court system is the responsibility of _________?
Number of Senators from each state
Total members in the House of Representatives
The power of the courts to declare laws and actions of the local, state, and/or national government invalid if they violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court is the final authority
Judicial review
A concept in which each of the three branches of government have separate powers and responsibilities
Separation of Powers
Define the idea of Popular Sovereignty
The people are sovereign and have all the political power. The government only governs with the consent of the people.
The 6th Amendment covers what rights?
Rights of the Accused
The 5th, and 14th Amendments are part of what American right?
Due Process
What do the first 3 articles of the Constitution do?
Establish the 3 branches of government
What is symbolic speech?
communication of ideas through words or actions
Forming a National Defense is a ________ Power.
The power to levy taxes is an example of what?
Shared or Concurrent power
The United States has what system of Government as established by the Constitution?
Federal System
First President of the United States served how many terms?
Essays published designed to convince the public to support the Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
To appease the Anti Federalist's fears of government becoming too strong and ensure ratification of the Constitution
Which Ammendment in the Bill of Rights is not really relevant any longer?
3rd - no Quartering of Troops
the 2nd Amendment gives what right?
Bear arms
4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments are part of what concept?
Due Process
5 freedoms given in the 1st Ammendment
Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, Speech
1st 10 amendments are called.....
the Bill of Rights
Did the Anti Federalists support a strong national government or strong state government?
Which party did wealthy merchants and land owners support in the Constitutional debate?
What was the main argument against the Constitution by the Anti Federalists?
They contended that the Constitution took important powers away from the states and lacked a Bill of Rights.
Which party argued the new Constitution should be ratified immediately?
number of electoral votes needed to win a presidential election
In addition to addressing slavery, the 3/5ths compromise also set what 2 standards that we still use today?
4 year term for President, established the Electoral College for presidential elections
Define the 3/5ths compromise
Slaves counted for 3/5th of a person for purposes of voting and taxation, and regulated trade through 1808
The President nominating Federal Judges and Congress approving them is an example of what?
Check and balance
Three examples of checks and balance ON the executive branch
Legislative branch can impeach, LB can override veto with 2/3 vote Judicial can declare presidential acts unconstitutional
What is are checks and balances in the US government?
System put in place where all three branches have a power over another branch to ensure no single branch gains too much power
Parts that make up the Legislative Branch
House of Representatives, Senate
What do each of the three branches of government do?
Legislative makes laws, Executive carries out law, Judicial interprets laws
The Connecticut Compromise proposed what 3 main things?
1. bicameral legislation 2. House based on population 3. Senate with two reps per state
The Virginia Plan was favored by which states
the more populous ones
Original purpose of the Constitutional Convention
revise the Articles of Confederation
2 things the Articles of Confederation could not do
declare war, form military, sign treaties, deliver mail, create money
4 key features of the Articles of Confederation
Weak national government, One branch of government – Legislative, Unicameral, One vote per state
Number of signees that ratified the Articles of confederation
Difference between Authoritarian government and Democracy
In democracies, the people rule; in authoritarian governments, a few have unlimited power
Two types of democracy
Direct and representative
Definition of Oligarchic government
Ruled by an elite few
Autocratic Government type examples (2)
Dictatorship, Monarchy
Government system where central and regional governments share powers
Federal System
Government type that is an alliance of independent states
Type of governmental system where a central or national government has supreme power
Unitary System
Define the concept of a "Social Contract"
Citezens should abandon their natural rights and give the government control. In return the government would protect and provide for those citizens
The Three branches of Government
Legislative, Judicial, Executive
Credited forming the concept of multiple branches of government with a system of checks and balances
John Locke argued that what could not be take away?
Unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property
Wrote "Leviathan" and is credited with forming the "Social Contract' Theory
Thomas Hobbes
Movement that Hobbes, Locke, and Montesqieu were part of that influenced foundations of first US Government
The Enlightenment