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G5- UNIT 9

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I saw _____ tigers at the zoo.
Did you see _____ giraffes? - Yes, I did.
What did you see at the zoo?
I saw zebras
What were the pythons like? - They ______quiet.
were/ looked
________________________________? - They sprayed water with their trunks.
What did the elephants do when you were there?
What did the kangaroo do when you were there? It _______quickly.
Did you see any _____________? - Yes, I did.
Did you see any lions?
No, I didn't. I saw parrots. 
_____________________? - They were funny.
What were the monkeys like?
What were the gorillas like? - They were _________.
funny/ intelligent.
Where did you go yesterday?
I went to the circus.
What did the peacocks do when you were there? They moved _____. (beautiful)
_______________________________? - Yes, I did.
Did you see any pandas?
_______________________? - I saw monkeys.
What did you see at the zoo?
what did the lions do when you were there? - They _____loudly.
What did the pythons do when you were there? - They moved _______.