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Kid's Box 1 - Wild Animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's big and heavy. It's gray. It has short legs and very small eyes. It has one or two horns in the face.
It's big and it's black and white. It has a big head, small eyes and small ears. It eats bamboo.
It's small and it can have a lot of colors. It has no arms but it has two small thin legs and it has feet. It can fly.
It's the king of the forest. It can be dark yellow or brown. It's a big cat. It has a long tail and a mane around its head.
It's big. It's black and white. It has four legs and a long tail.
It's long and has many colors. It's dangerous. It has no legs and no ears.
It's brown and funny. It has big ears, long arms and big hands.
It's long and green. It has a big mouth, short legs and a lot of sharp teeth.
It's brown and yellow. It has a small head and a long neck.
It is big and gray. It has a long nose and big ears.
It's big and gray. It has a big nose and small ears.
It's a big cat. It's orange and black. It has four legs and a long tail.