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Adverbs of frequency

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How often ________ he do the cleaning?
How _____ _____ you do homework?
How often do you do homework?
I walk my dog every day. I __________ walk my dog.
I eat noodles because it's not good for my health. (seldom)
I seldom eat noodles because it's not good for my health.
During the week, he _____________ goes swimming. (70%)
Andy and Mina _____________ (90%) ____________ together in the sport club.
usually/ play badminton
Ramon and Frank are hungry. (always)
Ramon and Frank are always hungry.
I take sugar in my coffee. (never)
I never take sugar in my coffee.
Messi is angry. (sometimes)
Messi is sometimes angry.
He reads a book. (usually)
He usually reads a book.
Santa listens to the radio. (often)
Santa often listens to the radio