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Never Have I Ever...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell the story!
... written a letter to Santa Claus or Father Frost.
Tell the story!
... made new year's resolution.
Tell the story!
... got a present I really wanted.
Tell the story!
... been tired on New Year's Eve.
Tell the story!
... had anything broken on New Year's Eve.
Tell the story!
... done anything embarrassing on New Year's Eve.
Tell the story!
... forgotten to buy presents for someone.
Tell the story!
... slept in until at least 10AM on the 1st of January.
Tell the story!
... got a picture taken, as an adult, with Santa Claus.
Tell the story!
... slept on New Year's Eve.
Tell the story!
... worn a Santa hat in public.
Tell the story!
... made a paper snowflake.
Tell the story!
... been to a snowy location for Christmas or New Year's.
Tell the story!
... bought a present for a pet.
Tell the story!
... celebrated New Year's in another country.
Tell the story!
... received a bad present.
Tell the story!
... re-gifted a present.
Tell the story!
... built a gingerbread house.
Tell the story!
... tried eggnog.
Tell the story!
... participated in a Secret Santa.
Tell the story!