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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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English________(speak) in England.
English is spoken in England
Big Ben ______(locate) in London.
Big Ben is located in London.
___dinner_____(serve) at 7 o'clock every day?
Is dinner served at 7 o'clock every day?
Our car__________(not/wash) every day.
Our car isn't washed every day.
____the plants_______(water) every week?
Are the plants watered every week?
The house_________(not/clean) every day
The house isn't cleaned every day.
____ English______(speak) in Germany?
Is English spoken in Germany
____ the props _______(gather) by the teachers?
Are the props gathered by the teachers?
______ Big Ben ____________(locate) in Rome?
Is Big Ben located in Rome?
_____ Toyota cars ________ (make) in China?
Are Toyota cars made in China?
The offices_____________(not/clean) every day.
The offices aren't cleaned every day.
Sandwitches _________(sell) at the school canteen.
Sandwitches are sold at the school canteen.
The audience _________(ask) to be quiet during the performance.
The audience is asked to be quiet during the performance.
The emails ____________(not/send) by Kim.
The emails aren't sent by Kim.
The British Museum ________ (visit) by hundreds of people every day,
The British Museum is visited by hundreds of people every day,
Eating ___________ (not/allow) inside the theatre.
Eating isn't allowed inside the theatre.
The costumes ____________(design) by the Art students.
The costumes are designed by the Art students.
Many cars __________(make) in Japan.
Many cars are made in Japan
Breakfast________(serve) every day.
Breakfast is served every day.