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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What country is Adam Peaty from?
Great Britain
Where Dmitriy Balandin was born?
In Almaty
Main action at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
light the torch
In what year the Olympic Games were held in our country?
In 2011
The Olympic Games are held every…
every 4 years
In which country did the Olympic Games originate?
In Ancient Greece
How many countries participated in the 2016 Olympics?
206 countries
When was the Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro?
from 5 to 21 August
How many medals did the Kazakh team win in the 2016 Olympics?
Which country held the 2016 Olympic games?
In which country is the former paradise for skaters - the high-mountain skating rink Medeo?
1. The flag of the Olympic Games shows multi-colored rings connected to each other. What do they symbolize?
Five parts of the world participating in the Olympic Games. Blue - Europe; black - Africa; red - America; yellow - Asia; green - continents Australia and New Ze