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Neural Control And Coordiantion

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What is Resting Potential?
The electrical potential difference across the resting plasma membrane is called as the Resting Potential.
Label the following parts from 1 - 8.
1. Aqueous Chamber 2. Fovea 3. Cornea 4. Blind Spot 5. Iris 6. Ciliary Body 7. Retina 8. Choroid
What is Crista Ampullaris ?
The base of canals is swollen and is called Ampulla, which contains a projecting ridge called Crista Ampullaris which has hair cells.
The inner ear also contains a complex system called vestibular apparatus, located above the cochlea.What is it composed of ?
The vestibular apparatus is composed of three semi-circular canals and the otolith (macula is the sensory part of saccule and utricle).
What is a reflex action ?
The entire process of response to a peripheral nervous stimulation, that occurs involuntarily is called a reflex action.
In the given figure of synapse few structure are marked as 1, 2, 3, and 4. Study the figure carefully and identify the structure which transmits signal across a chemical synapse. And name it.
2, When an impulse, or nerve signal reaches the end of axon, the synaptic vesicle release a neurotransmitter into the small space between the adjoining cells.
Nerve fibers are surrounded by an insulating fatty layer called:
Myelin sheath
In the given diagram of brain what does "1" represent?
Wax gland present in the ear canal is called
Wax gland present in the ear canal is called Sebaceous gland/ Ceruminous gland.
What are the 2 different types of Fibres in PNS ?
The nerve fibres of the PNS are of two types : (a) afferent fibres (b) efferent fibres